Ace Your Auditions! (Part 2 of 3)

Welcome to Day 2 of our 3-day series on how to greatly increase your chances on getting through the auditions for singing competitions!

This is Kenogi, and I'm thrilled to continue sharing more on how to help you succeed in your singing journey.

In Day 1, we laid the foundation by discussing the importance of knowing your voice.

Judging duties at V Sing SG’s “Absolute Vocal Star” Competition

Today, we're delving into the critical step of choosing the right song for your voice.

This step can make or break your performance in a singing competition, so let's get started!

1. A Song That Suits Your Voice

Choosing the right song is a crucial aspect of preparing for a singing competition. Your song selection should complement your vocal range, style, and strengths.

  1. Your Vocal Range

    Building on what we discussed in Day 1, your vocal range is a key factor. When selecting a song, ensure that it:

    • Falls within your comfortable singing range

    • Works with instead of against your vocal tendencies

  2. Your Musical Identity

    Consider your vocal style and the genre of the competition. Are you a powerhouse belter, a soulful crooner, or a versatile performer?

    Choose a song that aligns with your style and showcases your strengths.

    It's not just about hitting the notes but delivering a performance that reflects your unique musical identity.

2. What Makes a Song Competition-Suitable

Not all songs are created equal when it comes to singing competitions. Here are some criteria to keep in mind:

  1. Originality:

    While it's common to perform popular songs, consider adding your unique twist to them either with changes to the melody, and/or rhythm.

    For later stages of competitions, you can even consider changing up the genre or the entire arrangement by hiring a producer to create a custom-made track (we helped two of our finalists do that for the finals)!

    Judges appreciate originality, and it can set you apart from the competition.

  2. Technical Challenge:

    Most competitions value technical prowess. If you're confident in your vocal skills, choose a song that allows you to demonstrate your vocal control and agility.

  3. Emotional Range:

    A great competition song should allow you to express a wide range of emotions. Judges want to see your ability to connect with the song emotionally and convey that to the audience.

  4. Audience Engagement:

    Think about how the song can engage both the judges and audience. Will it make them tap their feet, shed a tear, or sing along?

    A captivating performance can leave a lasting impression.

3. How to Find and Decide on Your Song

Now that you know what to look for in a competition song, let's discuss how to find and finalize your selection:

  1. Explore a Variety of Genres

    Don't limit yourself to one genre. Experiment with different styles to discover what resonates with you and showcases your strengths.

  2. Consult Your Vocal Coach

    If you have a vocal coach, seek their guidance. They can help you identify songs that align with your abilities and goals.

  3. Listen and Research

    Listen to a wide range of songs, and pay attention to the ones that move you. Research the history and context of the song to better understand its emotional depth.

  4. Test Your Song

    Once you've shortlisted a few songs, sing them and see how comfortable you feel performing them, based on your identity and technical, musical, and artistic abilities.

Final Thoughts…

Remember, the right song can elevate your performance and capture the hearts of both judges and the audience.

Stay tuned for Day 3, where I'll delve into the intricacies of your competition performance, including the choice between video submission and live audition, and how to tackle performance anxiety.


P.S. Our 3-session competition prep masterclass series for our finalists that will be conducted by me and Syakirah (an international artist and also one of our VE coaches) starts this Sunday!

You can choose to sign up for one or more of them.

This will be very valuable for those who want to learn how to perform with confidence and finesse, regardless of whether you’re into singing competitions.

If you’re interested to find out more, please send us a message saying “MASTERCLASS” and we’ll give you more details!


Ace Your Auditions! (Part 3 of 3)


Ace Your Auditions! (Part 1 of 3)